Move More TV

We are developing a subscription based On-Demand service direct to all Care Homes in the UK.
Depression affects 40% of older people in care homes according to Help the Aged.
Only 7% of adults over the age of 75 years meet the minimum required level of physical activity for health benefits (National Statistics, 2009)
Daytime activities are an unmet need for 76% of care home residents with dementia [Hancock et al, 2005]
Care home residents on average spend only two minutes a day participating in meaningful social interaction [Brooker, 2008]
This project will bring the residents high quality exercise programs that can be easily followed and ensure they remain active, healthy, and show an improvement in mobility and quality of life.
In addition to physical activities there will also be a mixture of quizzes, games and other options to look after the mental health side and ensure their brain also remains active.
Contact us if you would like to discuss having this service in your Care Home, or as an instructor, if you can deliver fantastic classes to this cohort, we are interested in getting your classes into the on-demand library. Alternatively, visit